Chapter Membership
To join a local Chapter you must be a current National H.O.G. member (Full or Associate). If you are not a National H.O.G. you may visit the national H.O.G. website. Once you have received your national card join the local chapter.
Local membership expires December 31 each year. Complete the form at the monthly meeting, online, or email Membership and they'll send you the form.
Local Dues are $15.00 for one household member, or $25.00 for two or more household members. All dues are payable in US dollars, checks made payable to Suburban Milwaukee HOG.
The regularly scheduled membership meetings will begin at 9:30 a.m. on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Guests and visitors are welcome to attend. Summer meetings will have a chapter rides after the meetings.
Click here for the Suburban Milwaukee Chapter Membership Form. Complete the editable lines in the form online, print, and sign with the member's signature and a witness' signature. Mail the form and appropriate funds (US currency) to:
Suburban Milwaukee HOG
139 N. Main Street
Thiensville, WI 53092
For further information, contact Membership or any Suburban HOG Chapter Officer or Suburban Harley-Davidson dealership.
What does it mean to be a H.O.G. member? As far as HOG is concerned, that's totally up to you because one of the great things about being a part of H.O.G. is how easy it is to custom fit your membership. For some, reading Hog Magazine occasionally and wearing their H.O.G. pin with pride is all the involvement they want. For others, hardly a day goes by that they're not planning a chapter meeting, helping organize a rally, sorting through some riding photos, riding with fellow members, or jetting off to some faraway place for a touring adventure. So whether you love being part of a crowd or are a lone rider whether your idea of fun is dancing 'til dawn or just riding all day (or both) you can tailor your H.O.G. involvement to provide a perfect fit for your personality
Without volunteers, the Harley Owners Group as we know it would not exist. Chapters would not form. Events would not happen. Many programs would not be possible. In other words, volunteers comprise an essential, highly valued part of the H.O.G. organization. Each year, literally tens of thousands of people volunteer with H.O.G. at some level. For instance, more than 12,000 people currently serve as chapter officers worldwide. What this means is, if you're looking to get more involved, meet new people, experience new things, and have a lot of fun in the process, you've definitely come to the right place!
A H.O.G. chapter is where lasting relationships are formed. Where laughter is heard. Where plans for dinner rides and fund-raisers come to life. Where memories are made. It's where people like you come together to share their common interest in Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the unique lifestyle that makes H.O.G. so special.
Remember:The H.O.G. motto is "To Ride and Have Fun".